Forex Glossary: Key Trading Definitions
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A comprehensive guide designed to illuminate the path for traders at every level of expertise. This glossary serves not only as a repository of key forex terms and definitions but also as a dynamic educational tool.
It aims to unriddle complex or basic forex terminology or concepts, clarify ongoing market trends, and empower you with the knowledge needed to articulate and analyze strategies confidently.
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A directive to a broker to execute a trade at the most favorable current market price.
The currency pair that represents the exchange rate of the Australian Dollar to the U.S. Dollar.
A system that provides the ability to execute trades via automated, pre-set trading instructions.
The company or service that provides access and trading services to the forex market for traders.
The distinction between the buying price (bid) and selling price (ask) of a currency pair.
An order to sell a security when it attains a certain price, aimed at limiting potential losses.
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